Little Gryphon


The Moonlighter's Guide to Online Writing for Immediate Income

Moonlighter Media
Nonfiction, Employment/Writing


Most of us could use a little more money... or a lot more money. How can we generate extra income without tying ourselves to a second job? Many opportunities await, if you know where - and how - to look for them. The author, a professional freelance writer for many years, shares tips for finding legitimate jobs writing articles and other content online.
A Kindle-exclusive title - no longer available for download.


A short, informative ebook, The Moonlighter's Guide delivers exactly what the cover blurb promises: a number of ideas, helpful hints on getting started, and an extensive list of websites where would-be freelancers can find either more information or actual paying jobs. Brentford explains the various methods of earning money with online content - up-front pay, residual pay, and affiliate links - plus their pros and cons. She also touches on basic grammar, how to get started, and other things a newbie ought to keep in mind. Her list of sites might use more annotation, but considering the size of the guidebook (and the fact that I downloaded it during a freebie promotion window), I can't complain.


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