Book Review List - Themes
Organized by Author. Some books appear under multiple categories.
(Note: Organization of themes is admittedly subjective.)
- Airborn Adventures
- Alchemy and Magical Sciences
- Aliens
- Altered DNA, Clones, and Hybrids
- Alternate Timelines and Earths
- Angels and Demons
- Anthropomorphism
- Apocalypse and Post-Apocalypse
- Artificial Intelligence, Cyborgs, and Robots
- Atlases, Bestiaries, and Encyclopedias
- Avians
- Biohazards, Medicine, and Plagues
- Bonded Companions and Familiars
- Books and Libraries
- Buildings and Locations with Character
- Canids
- Circuses, Museums, and Sideshows
- Classics
- Country, Frontier, and Wilderness Tales
- Creative Power
- Cross-Genre
- Cryptids and Unknown Beasts
- Cutthroat Competitions and War Games
- Dinosaurs and Prehistoric Animals
- Diversity
- Dragons
- Dreams, Games, and VR
- Dystopias
- Epics
- Equines, Pegasi, and Unicorns
- Fables and Fairy Tales
- Faeries and Kin
- Fantasy Races
- Felines
- Ghosts and Spirits
- Girl Power
- Gryphons
- Heroes and Supervillains
- Hidden Wonders and Wainscot Adventures
- Imaginary Friends and Guardian Angels
- Lost and Forgotten Worlds
- Merfolk, Water Monsters, and Kin
- Military Campaigns and Soldier Stories
- Mind Powers and Psionics
- Myth-Based, Folklore, and Legendary Stories
- New Age and Occult
- Pirates and Thieves
- Plants, Trees, and Fungi
- Portal Adventures
- Religious and Spiritual Themes
- Retro Tales
- Schools and Institutions
- Seafaring Tales
- Shapeshifters and Werebeasts
- Small Animals
- Space Stories
- Stage, Screen, and Stardom
- Steampunk, Etc.
- Time Travel
- Twists and Updated Classics
- Urban Tales
- Vampires and the Undead
- Weirdness
- Wishes and Curses
- Witches, Wizards, and Magic Workers