How to Write the Worst Kindle Book in the World!
A Shamed
Amazon Digital Services
Nonfiction, Humorous Nonfiction/Writing
In the old days, draconian gatekeepers called publishers decided who could and could not be an author, based on arbitrary standards like
"talent," "content," and "story interest levels greater than watching paint dry". They even insisted on proper spelling and grammar, despite
the fact that the average reader likely doesn't know or care about the difference between your and you're, let alone tense
consistency or other nitpicky rules. Fortunately, the Amazon Kindle platform has done away with such obstacles. Now anyone can write and
publish books - even you! Learn how with this quick and handy guide.
A Kindle-exclusive title.
Yes, it was a freebie when I downloaded it. I needed something lightweight and silly after a rough week, and I got a little of that here. The author split this short (only 18 pages) eBook into two parts. The first describes how to take advantage of Amazon and reader stupidity to generate massive sales off pretty much any random collection of words you might choose to publish (without bothering to spellcheck, proofread, or waste time formatting, naturally.) The second - rather unnecessarily - explains that the first part was a parody, written after seeing so many poorly-written self-published Kindle titles... and making some embarrassing mistakes themselves. It then gives a brief, somewhat obvious rundown on how to do it write - er, right. It felt a little condescending, frankly; the title and author pseudonym alone should've been sufficient warning that this was a parody title, so there was no need to explain the joke unless they thought I was a moron. I don't like being called a moron (even if it's true), so that drug the rating down a half-star. Aside from that, it wasn't terrible, and all too reminiscent of some titles I've waded through.